Indian Financial Markets have been growing by leaps and bounds, resulting in market demanding for products that go with its level of maturity. After successfully intorducing equity futures and options on Indian stock markets, it was the turn of derivatives on foreign currency and fixed income classes.

Currency Futures, Options and Bond Futures belong to this class of instruments. As is expected of any new product classes, use of these instruments have remain restricted due to limited understanding of such products by large percentatge of participants.

NSE Academy Ltd ( a wholly owned subsidiary of NSE) has colloborated with Origin Interactive Learning, a leader in finacial market training, to bring in customised training programs for the market particpants. Here you would start from basics of these asset class and quickly grow to understand the nuances of these instruments.  

All of these presented lucidly with host of exercises, that would result in superior practical understanding of these instruments.

Customized Courses on Exchange Traded Derivatives

Courses on Currency Derivatives & Bond Futures Designed for NSE Traders

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